
WARNING – This post deals with topics such as suicide, anxiety and depression

She cries and cries cause the pain is too much

He cries cause he doesn’t know what the pain is


She has all the support in the world

He has nobody but the voices in his head.


It’s life or death for both

Who lives and who dies

Who stays who thrives


Her pain in spreading fast.

Poison intoxicates her body

She fights and fights

Weakness soon controls her

It controls her

She’s no longer just a person

She’s a person who has it


His pain is all in his thoughts

Poison fills his mind

He fights yet doesn’t know why

Vulnerability was his biggest weakness

He was never just a person

He was a person with it


Cries fill her ears

Laughter fills his


Slowly she gains her strength back

She lives

She wins


Slowly he looses

He gives up on trying

Gives up on life


Green eyes

Blue eyes

Meet at last

It was just a glance


The last glance for one

Im sorry for such a dark post. I just had too. A couple days ago marked the one year mark of my suicide attempt. I was so lost. I was the guy. this poem is supposed to represent that depression is a serious issue. People die from it every day. Its an illness. its affects lives. including my own. I was lost and thought I was alone and had nobody. You are not alone. you have people who love and care for you. I am one of those people. please seek help if you suffer from any mental illness. and if you ever need to talk please email me. ❤

stay strong my lovelies

Sarah xxxx

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